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Independent book publishing

Independent book publishing


Featured book

Never Going to Happen coverNever Going to Happen is a romantic mystery thriller in the familiar Topham style, but from a new name to us –  Anders Teller. Like all our books, it’s packed with pacey dialogue, set-piece action sequences and a pervading aura of mystery and suspense.

That said, it also bravely tackles as-yet unresolved current events: the rise of populism on both sides of the Atlantic, the controversial Trump election, and Britain’s trouble-fraught vote to leave the European Union.

Tom Anthony, discharged from hospital after four months, can’t remember the car accident that put him there, or understand why his girlfriend is so edgy. His struggle to find out what happened, and at the same time move forward with his life, introduces him to the attractive but enigmatic Emily, and pits him against adversaries who seem intent on altering the course of world events.

Can Tom navigate his way through the succession of surprises that heap one upon another as this story lunges towards its shocking conclusion?

Buy it now on Amazon »

Never Going to Happen

More about the plot

Convalescing in a country village, Tom Anthony is amazed at the upheavals that have followed the latest US presidential election and Britain’s Brexit vote. When a journalist friend offers him the chance to report on these things, he cautiously agrees – then starts to wonder if his research is uncovering links to his mysterious accident.

Meanwhile, his former boss is reluctant to let him move on, and soon has him chasing around the country, trying to keep his faltering business afloat.

Connections emerge where they seem least likely, and Tom starts to realise he’s trodden on the toes of people who will stop at nothing to achieve their objectives. But while he’s preoccupied with them, he doesn’t notice the chaos descending on his personal life.

Read the launch press release here.


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